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What we do

We transform your time consuming manual processes to automated, efficient and errorless operations. We design and build applications to help your mobile workers focus on their productive work rather than administration tasks. We apply Artificial Intelligence to gain you speed in your operations and your decision making.

Recently developed tools and applications

Artificial Intelligence
for data gathering from Pdf documents

Automated tool for gathering data from pdf documents using Artificial Intelligence, storing data to a SharePoint list and managing data validation through the automated notification system.


Artificial Intelligence
for training materials

To improve training quality, we use Artificial Intelligence to record voiceovers to training materials, which adds quality to the training materials and considerably improves effectiveness during the training creations.


Automated Business Process Flows

Any business process can be automated with the Microsoft BPF tool independently or connected to other systems. Our recent solutions automatized approval processes for Project deliveries and Credit Management to improve the efficiency and status visibility of the processes.


HSSE Asset Review App and BI

Business Application for making Asset Review process and its management significantly more efficient. Including built-in intelligence, GPS locator and Business Intelligence (BI) reports providing a global overview of the Asset reviews.


Drivers Management app

Replacing 120 manually filled forms per day, their manual reviews and further calculations in Excel with a fully automated process using new Power Application and automatic business intelligence reports in Microsoft Power BI, saving 3 hours per day to every operator.



Creation of a dynamic SharePoint site, specific for every user, stores links to all training materials, applications, systems and automated business process flows to improve the efficiency of every user. The site gets automatically updated when the user changes a job.


Ready to find out more?

Before we can help you, we need to understand your company’s unique needs. Let's have an informal chat during which we will learn more about your company and you will learn how we can transform your company to be an even more efficient data-driven organization.

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